Working the registration table at a middle school NCW event. Notice the stickers under my elbow. Let's bring those back!
Working a street fair public outreach with CalACS current chair Charlie Gluchowski and past chair Mark Frishberg.
Part of the leadership team for the WRM2013 co-hosted by California and Santa Clara Valley Sections showing Natalie McClure General Co-Chair, Janet Gunzner-Toste, Program co-chair, and Jim McClure. The meeting received a ChemLuminary Award for the success!!
Presenting Michael Morgan with the 2013 Western Region CHED Teacher of the Year Award!
With some of the many Northeastern Section members in the cold and drizzle at the March For Science in Boston, March 2017 amid many great signs among the 10,000 attending
Engaging in a Board sponsored Strategy Cafe with John Berg, Sacramento Section Councilor, and many others working on the ACS Strategic Plan.
Team of chemists on Saturday attending 2006 San Francisco meeting replanting natives at former power plant park as part of Chemists in the Community joint project of Board and host sections.
Lee H. Latimer, Ph.D.
A CPRC gathering at Belmont with many members very active today! A great group! Notice Helen Free in the front row - she learned to play pool at this meeting!